Zodiac signs according to Chinese astrology - What is my Chinese zodiac animal?


In Western astrology, zodiac signs change every month. However, in Chinese astrology, the Chinese zodiac sign changes once a year.
Chinese astrology, with its unique system of 12 zodiac signs, stands apart from Western astrology in its approach and interpretation.
A sign in Chinese astrology changes with the celebration of the Chinese New Year. Children born during the year are given the sign of the year as their zodiac sign.


Date of birth, zodiac sign, and how do I find my Chinese zodiac animal? What Chinese animal animal am I?


Discovering your Chinese zodiac sign is as simple as knowing your date of birth. For instance, if you were born after January 31, 1900, and before February 19, 1901, your zodiac sign is the Rat. Read on for a brief overview of each sign to find yours.

What are the 12 Chinese zodiac animals in order?

The Chinese zodiac has twelve signs: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat/Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The Chinese zodiac sign Rat is charming and intelligent. They are also very economical, diplomatic and efficient. The Rat is flexible but also somewhat sneaky, opportunistic, wasteful, and often out for its own gain. A Rat can be found in 1900 - 1912 - 1924 - 1936 - 1948 - 1960 - 1972 - 1984 - 1996 - 2008 - 2020.


The Ox is a hard worker with character traits such as morality, gentleness, and patience. But, the Ox can also be stubborn, eccentric and unruly. In some cases, this person does not even tolerate contradiction. An Ox can be found in 1901 - 1913 - 1925 - 1937 - 1949 - 1961 - 1973 - 1985 - 1997 - 2009 - 2021.


The Tiger is energetic, admirable and revolutionary. This person has leadership skills, is fearless and goes straight to their goal. A Tiger has no humility but is also vulnerable to an attack from the flank. Vanity reigns supreme, and it is all or nothing. A Tiger can be found in 1902 - 1914 - 1926 - 1938 - 1950 - 1962 - 1974 - 1986 - 1998 - 2010 - 2022


The Rabbit: upright, intuitive, very sharp, sensitive and cautious. A Rabbit can be found in 1903 - 1915 - 1927 - 1939 - 1951 - 1963 - 1975 - 1987 - 1999 - 2011 - 2023.


The Dragon is proud and lively, which is accompanied by enthusiasm. This person is stubborn, outgoing and inspiring. The Dragon can be found in 1904 - 1916 - 1928 - 1940 - 1952 - 1964 - 1976 - 1988 - 2000 - 2012 - 2024.


The Snake is characterized by intelligence, mystery, sensuality and discretion. A person with a sharp, active mind is also hypocritical and regularly applies double standards. The Snake can be found in 1905 - 1917 - 1929 - 1941 - 1953 - 1965 - 1977 - 1989 - 2001 - 2013 - 2025.


The Horse is elegant, loyal, intuitive and free-thinking. In addition, a Horse is often famous, sexy, outgoing and eager to learn, but in some cases, also selfish, unpredictable and fearless. The Horse can be found in 1906 - 1918 - 1930 - 1942 - 1954 - 1966 - 1978 - 1990 - 2002 - 2014 - 2026.


The Sheep is creative, calm but passionate, and very characteristic. It is a luxury-loving, eccentric, sincere person with a great imagination. The Sheep cannot tolerate poverty and like to rely on a rich or strong partner. The Sheep can be found in 1907 - 1919 - 1931 - 1943 - 1955 - 1967 - 1979 - 1991 - 2003 - 2015 - 2027.


Curious and independent are characteristics of the Monkey. In addition, this is a lively, helpful person with an eye on everything. At the same time, they are not very deep, somewhat clumsy, hypocritical and mainly concerned with himself. The Monkey can be found in 1908 - 1920 - 1932 - 1944 - 1956 - 1968 - 1980 - 1992 - 2004 - 2016 - 2028.


Colorful, open-minded and protective are typical characteristics of the Rooster. A meticulous and level-headed person with good organizational skills but also verbose, boastful, greedy and not subtle. The Rooster can be found in 1909 - 1921 - 1933 - 1945 - 1957 - 1969 - 1981 - 1993 - 2005 - 2017 - 2029.


The zodiac sign Dog is loyal, open, honest and tolerant. A true champion of a good cause and an enforcer of law and order. Unfortunately also a bit negative and inflexible. A Dog can be found in 1910 - 1922 - 1934 - 1946 - 1958 - 1970 - 1982 - 1994 - 2006 - 2018 - 2030.


The Pig is tolerant and very understanding. Their sensuality, enthusiasm, kindness, sympathy and sense of truthfulness are very characteristic. In addition, the Pig can also be quick-tempered, petty and lazy. The Pig can be found in 1911 - 1923 - 1935 - 1947 - 1959 - 1971 - 1983 - 1995 - 2007 - 2019 - 2031.


What is the Yin and Yang Principle In Chinese astrology?


In addition to the signs, the following also play a role:- the element- Yin and Yang: even years are Yang, odd years are Yin.

Let's delve deeper into the concept of Yin and Yang. This principle, rooted in polarity, balance, and harmony, represents the interplay of two cosmic energies that encompass a range of aspects.


Certain animal signs are Yin, and other animal signs are Yang. Yin Yang is all about seeking balance. The Yin and Yang principle represents the constant change and movement of the cosmos. Both energies must be integrated into the body and mind to be healthy and balanced. All animal signs are classified under Yin or Yang based on their qualities, nature, habits and characteristics. They are active or passive.


With an odd birth year, we speak of the Yin principle, and with an even birth year, we speak of the Yang principle. The Yin and Yang principle always revolves around four aspects and several primal principles. The aspects are as follows: Everything always has a Yin and a Yang side. Something is only Yin or Yang. When you compare something, Yin and Yang are interdependent (Yin also changes Yang and vice versa). Yin and Yang can merge into each other.


The primal principles are as follows: Yin is associated with the moon and represents feminine nature. Yang is associated with the bright sun and corresponds to masculine nature. Yin and Yang represent the primordial states in reality, which continually alternate. Yin and Yang work as opposing or complementary forces, like day and night, light and dark, summer and winter. Yin and Yang follow Tau or the universal law.


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