Mediumship Course


Mediumship Course


This remote training program is designed to empower and provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to embrace your innate psychic abilities and become a skilled psychic medium.

*** I have to keep the number of participants limited

because of the personal guidance I provide during the course. ***


Mediumship Course


What sets my mediumship course apart is that I will have personal contact with you throughout the entire course. Because every person has a unique way of working as a medium, the guidance has to be one-on-one.

I guide you step by step, together with my guides led by my main spirit guide Ben. They work together with your team of guides.

This way, I can tell you what you need -step by step and at your pace - to become a strong medium in your own unique way.

Having carefully reviewed your homework assignment, I am ready to share the unique insights and guidance that your spirit guides have specifically tailored for you. They are intimately familiar with your journey, understanding your pace and pinpointing areas where you may need assistance. They empathize with the challenges of surrendering and receiving information from the Universe, and their messages are always filled with encouragement, never criticism.


Welcome to my mediumship course where I teach and guide you every step of the way. Every medium works differently, which is why personal guidance is of the utmost importance.

Do you want to embark on a transformative journey with me that will forever change how you perceive and connect with the spiritual realm?

My remote, in-person training program is designed to empower and provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to embrace your innate psychic abilities and become a skilled psychic medium. 

You can learn at your own pace from the comfort of your own home. I believe in the power of personal connection. Through my remote training sessions, you will receive comprehensive guidance and support.

Regardless of your current level of experience or background, this course is tailored to meet you exactly where you are on your spiritual journey. My approach is rooted in creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere where you can confidently explore and develop your psychic abilities. 

I understand that everyone has their own unique learning style, which is why this course incorporates a variety of interactive exercises to enhance your understanding and skillset. Enrolling in this mediumship course, you will gain a deep understanding of the principles and techniques that underpin mediumship. 

From honing your intuition to connecting with spirit guides, you will learn how to establish a strong communication channel with the spirit realm. My course will equip you with the ability to give accurate psychic readings, providing guidance, healing, and closure to those seeking spiritual insights.

As you progress through the course, you will discover the immense power within you to deliver messages from the other side. With practice, you will develop the ability to connect with departed loved ones and offer comfort and solace to grieving people. 

Whether people want a reading about a deceased loved one or a perished pet, this mediumship training will empower you to become a beacon of light and hope, offering validation and guidance to individuals seeking answers and closure. 

The friendly and supportive environment we (my spirit guide Ben and I) cultivate allows you to ask questions, seek clarification, and grow at your own pace.

Upon completing the course, you will have gained the confidence, skills, and knowledge necessary to embark on a fulfilling career as a psychic medium. Whether you offer private readings, participate in psychic fairs, or explore other avenues, you can touch countless lives with your unique gift.

Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth? Join my mediumship course and unlock the limitless possibilities that await you as a psychic medium. Trust your abilities, connect with the spiritual realm, and become a beacon of light for those seeking guidance and healing.

It's no coincidence that you've read the text until the end, for you cannot be attracted to - and interested in - something you are not.

How does it work?

During this course, you will learn the basics: how to set rules between you and your spirit guides, what to do before you give a reading, and how to trust yourself and your guides. And, of course, you will train to become a medium. The basic steps are the same for everyone. The tailor-made guidance starts when you send me your homework.

In total, there are five lessons in which you discover how to work as a medium. Four lessons contain people who passed over, and one lesson with a deceased pet. You will receive countless personal tips from your team of spirit guides on how to grow your development.

I will send you lesson #1, which contains a photo of a deceased person. I will explain how to start communication and feel comfortable and confident.

When you finish your first exercise with the photo, you send me an email with the things you experienced; what you heard, saw, and felt. I will answer you with a sound recording in which your spirit guides discuss your first lesson.

They know exactly what to say (always in a loving and uplifting way) to bring out the best in you.

After this, I will send you lesson #2 and so on. You will feel more confident and often surprised at your achievements when all assignments are completed.

You will receive a certificate when you finish the complete course.

Together with my group of guides, we help and train you to develop your talent as a medium. We do everything we can to ensure you feel safe exploring your abilities.

Ben works with your guide group, and they (Ben and your guides) tell me what they want to say to you after you send me your homework. Their feedback is always positive and motivates you to bring out your best.

They give you tips that only apply to you because everyone is unique. They know you like no other, and the feedback on your homework is tailor-made.

The first lesson may feel wobbly because it's new, and that's completely normal. If you start an assignment and feel resistance, wait for another moment. A moment in which you feel motivated to communicate with the other side. It is essential to know that you decide when you start with your homework.

There is no time limit because time limit gives pressure, and we want to avoid that. So whether you take days, weeks or months to complete a lesson; you set the pace.

The basics are the same for everyone. The information during the lessons is different for everyone and thus tailor-made for you. It's like a muscle; the more you practice, the faster you grow.

Practicing regularly increases your confidence in yourself and your guides and ensures speed in receiving the information.
Your growth never stops. You are on a journey of discovery within yourself that always has new layers.

Every time you think; This is what I can do; this is my ceiling, something new will come. Challenging yourself to explore new territory within yourself brings incredible soul growth and deep fulfillment.

Looking forward to working with you and your spirit guides.

With love,



Testimonial Mediumship Course:


Dear Barbara,

Thank you for your support, patience, and the wealth of information you shared during the course.

I was pleasantly surprised by my progress. Lesson #1 was a challenge, but with your encouragement and insightful tips, I was able to delve deeper and trust in the guidance of my spirit guides and intuition.

I am committed to continuing my practice and will make sure to keep you updated on my journey.

I am eager to recommend this course to anyone interested in personal growth!



Mediumship Course


Mediumship Course


This remote training program is designed to empower and provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to embrace your innate psychic abilities and become a skilled psychic medium.