Spirit Guides
What is a Spirit Guide?
There are many different ways to describe a Spirit Guide and to some people they may mean something else than to others. One way to characterize a Spirit Guide is as a helper that has been selected and assigned to us before being born. Another way to explain a Spirit Guide is that they symbolize a piece of our unconscious mind that symbolically helps us in the search of being complete. A third way to interpret the phenomenon Spirit Guide is that they belong to the higher self that uncovers in different shapes and forms. Either way, Spirit Guides are entirely dedicated to your personal growth and development. A nice way to think of Spirit Guides is as a bundle of gifts, knowledge, intelligence and maturity. Good to know about Spirit Guides is that they will only intervene in your life as much or as little as you want them to.
Different kind of Spirit Guides
Everyone has one main Spirit Guide and various other guides, also known as Guardian Angels. Before birth, you have already discussed with your main Spirit Guide what you value and want in life and how you want to achieve this. Your Spirit Guide will therefore remind you of this when needed by providing direction, vision and guardianship.
Your main guide is someone that you have experienced a friendship or strong bond with in one or more earlier lifetimes. Your help guides, on the other hand, are family members or friends that have passed away. These help guides are with you only in specific periods of time to advise you in specific areas of your life.
A friendship with someone on earth and a friendship with your Spirit Guide are two different things. The difference is that your main guide feels you on a much deeper level – the soul or cell-level. As a result the insights and advice given to you is on a much deeper level and is altered to your personal journey and growth.
The book 'My Most Memorable Psychic Readings And Personal Stories' also addresses topics as Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels.
Types of Spirit Guides
At the most basic level, a spirit guide is a type of energy that is embodied in a variety of forms. Spirit guides can have unlimited shapes and forms. No matter what form your spirit guide takes, they are there to guide, warn, teach, support, remind, comfort, and reveal things that we need to learn about ourselves in order to grow. Let’s break down the different “types” or forms of spirit guides which you may encounter in your life. Always remember you can have several, which is true for most people.
- Angels: many people describe “light beings” (angels) as being their spirit guides. The most commonly known type of angel is the guardian angel. Everyone has an individual guardian angel who provides us with encouragement, inspiration, love and protection. There are many different realms of angels. Archangels, for example, are more specialized angels.
- Ancestor Spirits: ancestral guides are entities that have passed and who you are genetically related to, but they could also be anyone who you have a soul-connection with. So, it could be that you never met. The messages that our ancestors bring can be beautiful and life-changing.
- Ascended Masters: also known as the ultimate teachers . Ascended masters have already lived on this earth for many lifetimes. They have become awakened, enlightened or have transcended the cycle of reincarnation. This showsthat they have reached a high spiritual state which is indicated by being fully aligned with the higher self. Now they serve as spiritual guides from a higher dimension. It is said that ascended masters, like all spirit guides, teach all people who call on them (not just you) to achieve greater wholeness and harmony in life.
- Power animals: also known as animal spirits or totems, are well-known spirit guides. Your chosen power animal is not an individual animal, rather the collective spirit of that animal. They represent and reflect your inner yearnings and needs, and come and go throughout different stages of your life. Generally, these powerful protector spirits can help you remedy a problem, heal or expand your understanding of the world.
How do Spirit Guides help us
Spirit Guides look from above and see everything going on in your life. They know exactly when to meddle and come to help. They can do so by:
- Giving a specific sign or sending particular people into your life
These people or signs will make sure that you see something you need to see or that you come to know something important. - Keeping your intuition and instincts sharp
This can be like hearing a voice in your head. Listening to your intuition can be a valuable source of information. - Giving you a gut feelingIf you get a gut feeling something is going to happen, but you can’t really put your finger on it, it’s your Spirit Guide telling you that you should pay attention.
- Nudge you in the right directionOr even sometimes arranging a certain moment or happening that would have not happened otherwise. Think of an important phone call you would have missed if you we’re not running late because you couldn’t find your wallet before leaving.
The process of getting to know your Spirit Guide
Once you are ready to make a deeper connection with your Spirit Guide there are some steps that you can take to invite this voice into your life:
1. You can start with asking for their presence and their help. It is common that we forget that we have guidance around us. The more you start asking for guidance and help, the more you will start to recognize and feel it. You can also ask for a sign. This can be anything like an object or a colour.
2. Listen to what your guides are trying to tell you. Have an open mind. A good way to listen is during meditation when your mind is free and calm.
3. Be grateful. Instead of being needy, it is better to be thankful. If you open your heart and receive the love they give, they will boomerang this energy straight back to you.
4. Trust that your guide has your best interest in mind. It is best to surrender and just go with the plan your guides have in mind for you.
5. Believe in yourself and your own psychic abilities. Connecting with your Spirit Guides is a great gift and will really shine a light in your life.
Connect with your Spirit Guide
Your Spirit Guide is always with you. If you would like to connect to him/her it is possible to make contact in more than one way. We all have the ability to listen to our main guides, but it is vital to really believe, listen and tune in. Do you want to know who your Spirit Guides are and what guidance they can offer you? Book a personal Spirit Guide reading and learn what your guides can offer you. If you wish to read more on the subject you can visit my blog.

My readings are for people who already live a conscious life but sometimes want advice and clarity.
Who want to make contact with a deceased loved one or their Spirit Guides.
"Dear Barbara,
Thank you for the reading.
The description you gave about my guide corresponds to the dream that I once had about him. And how lovely and special that my grandmother said hello during our conversation. I got goosebumps all over when you suddenly said: Maria is also here for you.
Writing is also a great passion and I have always wanted to live in Italy :). I think it's very special!Greetings and good evening."
- Shiri
"Hello Barbara,
How nice! Funny that the recording came today, on the birthday of our daughter and actually I already knew that.
I am really impressed. What a recognition and what a nice messages! I can confirm everything you say.
Had to laugh at the end. You said my guide said 'Namaste' and bowed with folded hands. Exactly what I always do after yoga at home. I always say this on purpose. That he did that felt like a wink haha.
Thank you very much for this.
Dear regards. "
- Freddie