Committing Suicide


What happens to your soul when you commit suicide?


There is a belief within some religions that people will end up in "hell" after suicide. 

Or sometimes the opposite; that they enter "eternal Paradise." There is no hell nor paradise. What happens to your soul when you decide to end your life? 


When you die, whether you commit suicide or not, you always return to Source energy. You look back on every encounter, event, decision, every emotion you had during your life. You do this together with the spirit guides who guided you in your life on Earth. Which life lessons have you learned? What have you done from your heart in the name of love? What decisions have you made from negativity and negative emotions?

The big picture

You get a clear and accurate picture of your life, and everything becomes clear to you. After your transition, you see "the big picture." The connections with people you had in your life and how they are connected to past lives and life lessons. The recurring patterns. When you die, your awareness is complete. Our consciousness on Earth is minimal. You return to Source, and there is no conviction.

I believe that people who suffer and decide to commit suicide do not want to end their lives, but they want to put an end to the suffering. And then suicide is the only solution for them. In every life, you experience different ways of dying. Suicide is 1 of them.

Over the years, I have had many contacts with deceased loved ones who committed suicide in my work as a medium. Not one of them spoke of a hell in which they had ended up. They saw very clearly why they had reached their decision to commit suicide. And incredibly happy they were free... Free from their mental suffering, confusion, depression, physical illness and so on. I often hear deceased people speak about the happiness of being free from their sick bodies when they have had a (long) sickbed.

Returning to Source

They also see the sadness they have left on Earth after their suicide. They often try to explain to the bereaved that there is no reason to be sad because they are now happy and free. They are now who they really are, a soul without suffering.

The path to suicide is also often indicated by the deceased as inevitable. Some also told me that they saw that the solution to their problem or problems on Earth was so simple, but that they were blinded at the time. They couldn't see that there actually was a solution. They don't feel sorry that they didn't know the answer to their problems. There is no: woe is me story.

We humans here on Earth have free will in everything we do. And therefore also the free will to step out of life. Nothing or nobody in the spiritual world will judge this. Apart from the - often frightened - people on Earth, who are taught that suicide is wrong and a one-way ticket to hell. That our life is holy. That we are not allowed to end that ourselves. Yes, life is sacred and also a learning school. 

Master degree

In our many lives on Earth, we experience various ways of dying. Each form of dying adds to the learning process of our soul. Someone who dies peacefully in their sleep is not a better person than someone who fights to stay alive as long as possible. Those who condemn others also condemn themselves. Every person goes through the same emotional experiences during all lives on Earth. We are all the same. The executioner is the victim, and the victim is the executioner. We all have to stand on both sides of the fence to experience what it's like to hurt someone and what it's like to be hurt. The traitor will also have to experience what it feels like to be betrayed. Of course, that also applies to all beautiful and loving experiences.

There is much respect from the spiritual world for us souls who have taken on a body to have a human experience. Life on Earth is often challenging and difficult to understand for many people. My Spirit guide calls life on Earth: "very high-level exams, master's degree level."

Do you want contact with someone dear to you who has committed suicide? Or your loved one didn't leave a farewell letter, and you are stuck with why they ended their lives? Click here to book a reading with me.


I dedicated a chapter in my book: My Most Memorable Psychic Reading And Personal Stories to my dear friend's son, who unexpectedly committed suicide and left no letter. For months, every Thursday afternoon, I called my friend to help with her grieving process.

Her son's spirit explained in detail why he had to go and end his mental suffering. She said this helped her tremendously. She was left behind with heart-wrenching guilt and many questions, and he answered them all.


This is the link to the list of suicide crisis lines worldwide. There is help for you!


